Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Now that Christmas and January have come and gone...what have we been up to....being sick is probably number one, we've had the flu, cold, strep, pneumonia.  Fun times at our house! one thing i love is the snuggles.

Jacob took a bit to get back into the school thing after Christmas break but then after missing a week from being sick he was eager to see all his friends.  Cameron just got tubes in his ears and lets hope that it solves his ear infections and helps him on the  road to talking.  I've really noticed a difference in him more cheeky i would say.

Derek and i have been trying to book a trip but jeez this isn't easy....first we were waiting on Cameron's tube surgery, now work is busy and then march seems like prices are crazy...Maybe April? I don't care it is happening before June!!!!!

I have recently started to sell all the kids stuff...sad i know but I'm storing it for what? In case we decided to have another one? Silliness.  We live in such a tiny house with almost no storage so I figure if we do decide to have another one #1 my maternity clothes will be so out of date i will need new ones and #2 we can buy used.  So this is like found money so we've decided to (Book 2 trips down south this year-JOKING) put it into to the kids education fund.  I'm kinda starting to think these kids have more money then me!  I know that i am so grateful that my parents were able to pay for my schooling.  I know so many friends that are still paying student loans, so if i can help my kids in any way...hopefully this will help.

Some of the ways I have saved money almost $100/week by changing grocery stores and price matching....thats crazy.  What else....call your bell and negotiate a price (Derek does that!)

Thats it i can't chat much more or i'll get into too much of a rant and that would't be good.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Our first Christmas Concert

So today Derek and I, along with his mom, my parents and Jacob's cousins came to see Christmas in Hawaii!!!! First of all its truly amazing to see how much the teachers get into it...the costumes all homemade are quite creative...I guess i should tell you it was Christmas around the world.  It was beyond cute.  Then we got to go back to their class for a little song and snacks. They also got to bring home their present for the parents.  Jacob says tonight to me "Mom you can't open that box until Christmas Eve and Santa has delivered all the presents OK? And i can't tell you what it is but its blue and purple, I didn't think candy canes were that colour.  Maybe you can put it on the tree...but i can't tell you whats in the box..Its a surprise"  So i guess i will have a few days to practice being surprised!!!!
He is getting so excited for Christmas and boy i am too...each year seems to get better and better...hope it never ends!!!  Well here are a few Pictures from Christmas Season

Merry Christmas i don't think i'll be posting until after the fun!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Long time no chat?

Why on earth have a not posted on her? well you know how it goes kids, family, work consuming my life!!!! I guess Christmas and pinterest as well...i'm sure most of you are in the same boat. So a few great things have happened to us...Cameron has now had his 10th ear infect since february so we got to meet with a specialist and she said is is going to get tubes in his ears....and they just called today Janurary 23rd...yahhh i'm doing a happy/sad dance i HATE to see him have to go to the hospital and be put under but its minor and he will no longer be in pain...meaning i'll have my happy boy back hopefully all the time!!! Jacob has his christmas concert tomorrow (Christmas in Hawaii) so fun and i can't wait...charging up the video camera. In light of everything that is going on right now (Shootings and teacher strikes) I feel happy and appreciate all that the teachers do...no yes there are some crappy teachers but there are some amazing ones. While some bitch and complain I am grateful and appreciate everyone (Teachers, ECE, childcare providers) as they people shape our children. And more to the point have to take care of them. So tomorrow i will sit and watch my not so little boy tomorrow and enjoy every minute. XOXO Brittaney PS I will post pictures after!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


We just got back from a shopping spree in Syracuse and the Waterloo outlets.....love getting new clothes. I bought so many nice new wok clothes from banana republic and the loft.....love it. Not a lot of deals for the kiddies through.....bummer. I went with a few friends and laughed the whole time. Today I am resting my abs! I went back online to face crack to check out my girlfriends wedding pics that I had to miss. Oh my god she was so beautiful. it's so funny how much the style changes I mean we are only married 6yrs and pretty much feel out of date. Oh well that's how it is. Well back to my laundry Xo brittaney

Monday, August 20, 2012

One more year!!!

Tomorrow is my 29th birthday, it feels like just yesterday I was celebrating my 20th birthday...i was so sad that i was no longer an official teenager!!! Pathetic in the big picture. I am currently uploading a song list to i believe its called a MP3 player....i feel so out of date because i don't know what i'm doing or even whats it called. And yes my song list sucks because i don't know the names of the artists or songs. If you have any suggestions let me know as i need some tunes for work. I've done one of the nasties....deleted my Facebook account.....yes i've debated so many times....i've wasted so much time on it already and well its just a space for people to lurk and i had way too many people on it. so instead i can blog and do my own thing. I kinda feel empowered i can't wait to say....no I'm not on Facebook!!! Yes feeling liberated. so its up to email or phone (and yes still no cell for this crazy chick) Oh boy my song list sucks...i will need to work on this tomorrow! anyways this might not make any sense because I'm trying to multi task and I'm heading to bed the last time as a 28yr old XO Brittaney

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


OEYC put on a orientation to school and well my buddy isn't the greatest to change so we signed him up. Unfortunetly i had to work the first day so my parents took him...no tears he did great. And today same thing....So proud of you...but a tiny bit of my heart is sad...so grown up XOX

St.Anicet trip

My grandparents wishes were to have their ashes spread at their beloved home in Quebec. It is a small cute log home that hasn't changed a bit. A bachelor, Danny, currently lives their and has made some minor changes but only to enhance the charm of this home. My aunt Bev had written to him several months ago not knowing who lived there. He called her and they talk for quite some time and he agreed to let us come (little did he know it would be 18 people) When we arrived boy it was hot but just as i remember it. The only thing that was different was i thought everything was much bigger but perhaps thats because i was so little. To say it was a great day would be an understatement. When then came back and had dinner in Almonte and drinks a mom and dads. But now that Nana and Grampa have passed and been brought back to their home, the challenge for all of us will be to continue to get together. Here are some pics from the trip