Thursday, December 20, 2012

Our first Christmas Concert

So today Derek and I, along with his mom, my parents and Jacob's cousins came to see Christmas in Hawaii!!!! First of all its truly amazing to see how much the teachers get into it...the costumes all homemade are quite creative...I guess i should tell you it was Christmas around the world.  It was beyond cute.  Then we got to go back to their class for a little song and snacks. They also got to bring home their present for the parents.  Jacob says tonight to me "Mom you can't open that box until Christmas Eve and Santa has delivered all the presents OK? And i can't tell you what it is but its blue and purple, I didn't think candy canes were that colour.  Maybe you can put it on the tree...but i can't tell you whats in the box..Its a surprise"  So i guess i will have a few days to practice being surprised!!!!
He is getting so excited for Christmas and boy i am too...each year seems to get better and better...hope it never ends!!!  Well here are a few Pictures from Christmas Season

Merry Christmas i don't think i'll be posting until after the fun!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Long time no chat?

Why on earth have a not posted on her? well you know how it goes kids, family, work consuming my life!!!! I guess Christmas and pinterest as well...i'm sure most of you are in the same boat. So a few great things have happened to us...Cameron has now had his 10th ear infect since february so we got to meet with a specialist and she said is is going to get tubes in his ears....and they just called today Janurary 23rd...yahhh i'm doing a happy/sad dance i HATE to see him have to go to the hospital and be put under but its minor and he will no longer be in pain...meaning i'll have my happy boy back hopefully all the time!!! Jacob has his christmas concert tomorrow (Christmas in Hawaii) so fun and i can't wait...charging up the video camera. In light of everything that is going on right now (Shootings and teacher strikes) I feel happy and appreciate all that the teachers yes there are some crappy teachers but there are some amazing ones. While some bitch and complain I am grateful and appreciate everyone (Teachers, ECE, childcare providers) as they people shape our children. And more to the point have to take care of them. So tomorrow i will sit and watch my not so little boy tomorrow and enjoy every minute. XOXO Brittaney PS I will post pictures after!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


We just got back from a shopping spree in Syracuse and the Waterloo getting new clothes. I bought so many nice new wok clothes from banana republic and the it. Not a lot of deals for the kiddies through.....bummer. I went with a few friends and laughed the whole time. Today I am resting my abs! I went back online to face crack to check out my girlfriends wedding pics that I had to miss. Oh my god she was so beautiful. it's so funny how much the style changes I mean we are only married 6yrs and pretty much feel out of date. Oh well that's how it is. Well back to my laundry Xo brittaney

Monday, August 20, 2012

One more year!!!

Tomorrow is my 29th birthday, it feels like just yesterday I was celebrating my 20th birthday...i was so sad that i was no longer an official teenager!!! Pathetic in the big picture. I am currently uploading a song list to i believe its called a MP3 player....i feel so out of date because i don't know what i'm doing or even whats it called. And yes my song list sucks because i don't know the names of the artists or songs. If you have any suggestions let me know as i need some tunes for work. I've done one of the nasties....deleted my Facebook account.....yes i've debated so many times....i've wasted so much time on it already and well its just a space for people to lurk and i had way too many people on it. so instead i can blog and do my own thing. I kinda feel empowered i can't wait to I'm not on Facebook!!! Yes feeling liberated. so its up to email or phone (and yes still no cell for this crazy chick) Oh boy my song list sucks...i will need to work on this tomorrow! anyways this might not make any sense because I'm trying to multi task and I'm heading to bed the last time as a 28yr old XO Brittaney

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


OEYC put on a orientation to school and well my buddy isn't the greatest to change so we signed him up. Unfortunetly i had to work the first day so my parents took tears he did great. And today same thing....So proud of you...but a tiny bit of my heart is grown up XOX

St.Anicet trip

My grandparents wishes were to have their ashes spread at their beloved home in Quebec. It is a small cute log home that hasn't changed a bit. A bachelor, Danny, currently lives their and has made some minor changes but only to enhance the charm of this home. My aunt Bev had written to him several months ago not knowing who lived there. He called her and they talk for quite some time and he agreed to let us come (little did he know it would be 18 people) When we arrived boy it was hot but just as i remember it. The only thing that was different was i thought everything was much bigger but perhaps thats because i was so little. To say it was a great day would be an understatement. When then came back and had dinner in Almonte and drinks a mom and dads. But now that Nana and Grampa have passed and been brought back to their home, the challenge for all of us will be to continue to get together. Here are some pics from the trip

What a weekend...

Jacob starts his kindergarten orientation tomorrow so we have been bugging him to wipe his own bum....of course it's always no you can do it....well Saturday night he did it. Saturday night was a big night for us.....Cameron really started walking on his own....yup he can do it all by himself ( he's only 16 months old!) Today I made a whack load of pesto.....i only started at 8:30 tonight so I recruited Derek to pick the leaves will watching the Olympics....yes I know he looks like he's doing something else! Then on to pickles.....mmmm why am I doing this so late you my mom had so much produce that had to be done or it would spoil! That's it

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Days of my lives

I love camping and wish we could do it every weekend. I love the fact that you can just relax and have no worries in the world. Some people like to solve world problems while i feel for me its a time to leave them at home. Its a mini vacation to rejuvenate the soul and see my kiddies enjoying themselves. After 4 days at logos land i feel relaxed and ready to work (for 2 half days!!!!) Then a long weekend. Yahhh One thing I've come to realize once I've had kids is that now your life revolves around them, you don't get weekends off its you all the time (except when the grandparents want them!) But you know what i wouldn't change this no matter what. These kids make me happy. So for those of you that are reading this and don't have kids...just remember its a 24/7 full time job that has its ups and downs but is so fulfilling and fun when you put 100% into it. Don't take parenting lightly...i'm just saying.
Heres some pics of the mini holiday

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Long lost post

Cameron is doing so much better but the little bugger won't walk. He has taken steps when camping a sandbanks and even before then but no nothing. Its driving me crazing..perhaps its a hidden blessing. Jacob has also been up to no good...whats the latest "boy" story. Oh yes he peed in the dogs water dish...i'm not sure if i should laugh or cry! The funny but not so funny thing is I come from an all girl family so we don't do these things. I'm started to know how my dad feels being out numbered. Speaking of my dad, we have a Stone family gathering August long weekend. My grandfather passed away several years ago and their wishes were to have their ashes spread together when my nana passed. She passed in December and well we have been waiting for a time that even can know how that works. So i'm hoping everyone can make it, i know derek is so excited to see what this st.anciet is all about. I remember many summers staying at either their house or the Rosalies, biking to Tommys to get treats, swinging from the hay loft, kitten hunting, potato bug starting to sound like a country girl! I do remember also these cool old school bikes that had lights but to get the lights going you had to peddle real fast...they were awesome wish i had one now! Do you ever wish you never grew up....I mean i love this stage too but sometimes there is so much stuff to worry about. Work, kids, family, friends, and health. I just life would be simple...hey talking about simple back to making my jams and pickles this year. And pesto mmmm...thinking about stewing tomatoes, maybe some salsa and pasta sauce...lets see how much i can actually get done between work and kids!! Here are some summer pics from camping etc XO Brittaney PS I'm really going try to be more regular

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

snuggles with my big boy

Last week Derek and I went to a workshop on getting your kids ready for kindergarden, most of it was common sense but one thing that stuck out in my head was start talking to your kids now. I thought ya we talk but I never ask him how is day is and to be honest whenever i pick him up from nursery school i say what did you do today...he says nothing. So they suggested telling them about your day, so i've began doing that and boy does it ever work, it seems like he just keeps talking and well i love it. Snuggles and chatting :) But one thing is how do i explain my job....i work at a mental health centre and am i food service supervisor. So i tell him i work at a hospital and he says are people sick there, well yes i said. Then he says are they no not usually. Are they not usually. Well mommy whats wrong with them? Um um um.....jezzz how do you explain this. I said they are sick but you can't see it, so i think i've totally got him screwed up now. If anyone has any suggestions how to explain it HELP! And i don't expect him to get the food supervisor part at all because most people think i'm a dietician, so well this was such a useless post but I just thought how do people talk about difficult things with there kids, like even illness or death? Thats my rant for tonight...heading to bed and hopefully get to sleep work tomorrow...yahhish!!! Love Brittaney

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sweet Baby

Cameron celebrated his first birthday Today and well all weekend. A year ago today(minus one day!) I remember being at My sister and brother in laws for supper to celebrate my mother in laws birthday. My contractions started so we headed home, my parents came and picked up Jacob for a sleepover since we were planning a home birth (Yes I know this might be a shock to some of you). I was always nervous would i need an epidural would something happen, so thats why Jacob (our eldest) was a hospital birth, but knowing everything went smoothly i really wanted to try a home birth. I love the comforts of home and what better why to bring him into the world and being able to snuggle with him in bed. I have really cherished that and feel like I have been so blessed to see the bond between him and Jacob. Although at times it can be trying i especially love moments when...

I'm in the shower and they are cuddle on the couch watching cartoons
Holding hands in the car...oops van
How Jacob loves his big brother books and points out to Cameron exactly who is who in the book
How Cameron can just light up when he sees his brother

and best of all Cameron laughing so hard and I look in the rear view mirror and jacob is making funny faces

So I thought I was done having children but maybe not....only if i lose 40lbs....So I've started a bootcamp 8 classes its called Lets Get Real Fitness. You know your are pathetic when you can't even do one sit up....literally I am not joking. but this is for another post. Just wanted to wish my baby Cameron a Happy Birthday

XOXO Mommy

PS What did Cameron really need for his birthday (nothing) but i really want to get him something so i made a blanket like jacobs blanket. I hope he loves his just as much as jacob loves his

PPS My husband is amazing did you see his cake, crazy....Debbie see why I married him this only one of many special things he does!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Last week brought my back to work, as much as it saddens me it is also a great change. Trying to work out the logistics of who drops the kid off and who picks them up etc. I must say being at work is much easier than being at home! So why do I work part time? Well I hate missing stuff that my babies do and well someone has to keep up the housework. I'm so proud of Jacob he didn't cry when we left him at the babysitters, he is usually horrible for doing this. I guess it's because he loves her! So this week Jacob and I have been getting ready for Camerons birthday. I can't believe in one week he will be one, he still feels like a little baby to me. Well I will post pics next week with Cameron's birthday


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


So I start back to work exactly one week from today, mixed feelings....but i know i only work part time so its a nice break from the everyday grind!!! Although Cameron still not sleeping through the night is kinda making me scared!!! This weekend I went to Perth Fabric Store to get some fleece fabric to make Cameron a blankie for his 1st birthday...boy do they have a lot of selection. It was so nice and my parents join us too so they could help with the rug rats. I just love Perth is so fun. Sunday we went to Wheelers Pancake House with my in laws and had a great time, they had so much to do and i think its great when the grandparents get to spend time with the kids (and not babysitting!!!!) Then we went to my parents for homemade Pesto Pizza YUM! Monday My sister in law took the day off to spend with Jacob and his cousin Spencer (they are both the same age...well 5 weeks apart!!!) She had so much planned and well when i picked him up he was exhausted. And I got to clean my house, back to work shop and pick up my sister (Boy did i miss her and our coffee dates!!) So today was my first day of price matching, and boy its addictive. To be honest i have no idea why i didn't do it sooner. I usually shop at independent but the prices are crazy. I hate walmarts produce so i never go there. Well Freschco doesn't have a lot of selection it has basics and good produce, oh ya and price match (except shoppers and GT). So what did i get Cheese (Reg 7.99 PM for 5.99), Bread (Reg 2.99 PM for 1.99), Frozen pizzas for playmates (7.99 PM for 3.97) KD for kiddies (13.99/case PM 6.99/case) Plus now i've started buying meat thats 30% because in a few days its expired, but i freeze all my meat. So what would normally but a 200+ bill was 147 tonight!!! So I think I am going to do this every week, seriously why not and the girl at the cash was so good about it. Also i am addicted to reading at night and my sister in law and friend just dropped off like 20 books combined. So I'm going to start a book exchange once a month!!!

XO Brittaney

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Where have I been?

I know really I dropped off the face of the earth like in July really? Sounds about right....I feel extremely busy but have no idea what i have been doing. I do know two things that i haven't been doing #1 Blogging #2 Scrapbooking. And i have 4 weeks til i go back to work. Oh my i'm not even sure how i'm going to do that as Cameron still is up 3-4 times a night if we are lucky only twice. Yup thats right in his almost entire first year of life has has slept through the night (8-6) twice. yup that is why i look "rough" as my husband says. Cameron's life certainly has not been easy, first constipation then vomitting, crying a lot, losing weight, ear infections. But hey the doctors say he smiles, well i'm glad he does that jazz, oh ya did i mention he is not moving yup he sits and stands but doesn't move. We'll he will kinda walk if we hold his hands. It just seems to weird. So i'm going to try really hard to get back into this because I enjoy it and some of my "followers" were asking where i went. I guess i kinda went to Pinterest for awhile too!!! Addictive. Heres an update of babies:)

OX britt