Tuesday, March 13, 2012


So I start back to work exactly one week from today, mixed feelings....but i know i only work part time so its a nice break from the everyday grind!!! Although Cameron still not sleeping through the night is kinda making me scared!!! This weekend I went to Perth Fabric Store to get some fleece fabric to make Cameron a blankie for his 1st birthday...boy do they have a lot of selection. It was so nice and my parents join us too so they could help with the rug rats. I just love Perth is so fun. Sunday we went to Wheelers Pancake House with my in laws and had a great time, they had so much to do and i think its great when the grandparents get to spend time with the kids (and not babysitting!!!!) Then we went to my parents for homemade Pesto Pizza YUM! Monday My sister in law took the day off to spend with Jacob and his cousin Spencer (they are both the same age...well 5 weeks apart!!!) She had so much planned and well when i picked him up he was exhausted. And I got to clean my house, back to work shop and pick up my sister (Boy did i miss her and our coffee dates!!) So today was my first day of price matching, and boy its addictive. To be honest i have no idea why i didn't do it sooner. I usually shop at independent but the prices are crazy. I hate walmarts produce so i never go there. Well Freschco doesn't have a lot of selection it has basics and good produce, oh ya and price match (except shoppers and GT). So what did i get Cheese (Reg 7.99 PM for 5.99), Bread (Reg 2.99 PM for 1.99), Frozen pizzas for playmates (7.99 PM for 3.97) KD for kiddies (13.99/case PM 6.99/case) Plus now i've started buying meat thats 30% because in a few days its expired, but i freeze all my meat. So what would normally but a 200+ bill was 147 tonight!!! So I think I am going to do this every week, seriously why not and the girl at the cash was so good about it. Also i am addicted to reading at night and my sister in law and friend just dropped off like 20 books combined. So I'm going to start a book exchange once a month!!!

XO Brittaney

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